A drawing of a mask with the rainbow and words relating to the queer experience cover it. A description follows: "Grades 8-12 A Purim Party for LGBTQ Teens and Friends. Music, Dancing, Food, Fun. All are welcome to Meglilah reading before the party."

Unmasquerade Ball

On March 3, 2018 SDFTY co-sponsored the Unmasquerade Ball in New York City with Congregation B’nai Jeshurun and Rabbi Adina Lewittes.  This event celebrates the Jewish holiday of Purim, but with a twist. Unlike traditional Purim parties where participants dress up, at the Unmasquerade Ball LGBTQ Jewish teens and allies are invited to remove the masks they must wear too often and celebrate their sexual orientation and gender identity in a warm, welcoming Jewish environment. The Unmasquerade Ball is the brainchild of Samuel Price and Rabbi Lewittes.

We are so proud that, as an intern, Sam Price helped her plan the first Ball in 2014.  Every Ball since has been dedicated to Sam’s memory. Her light and legacy lives on in its message of inclusivity and embracing our true selves.